12 research outputs found

    The evaluation of e-learning system for pupils in the primary education

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    U radu se ističe značajan utjecaj informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije na društvo, kulturu te obrazovanje na svim razinama. Ovakva stvarnost implicira i potrebu za povećanom primjenom računala u nastavi, učenju, poučavanju i testiranju znanja učenika. Slijedom ovoga, razvoj i uporaba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije, uz primjenu pedagogijskih načela, omogućili su nastanak obrazovne paradigme - e-učenja. E-učenje se implementira u sustavima e-učenja. Dobro oblikovan i primijenjen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti kako on-line tako i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika. Ovakav prošireni pedagogijski koncept, kojeg donosi e-učenje, mijenja ulogu nastavnika/učitelja, učenika, ali i roditelja. Cilj istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je postavljanje i prototipno testiranje modela Vrednovanje oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja (EvoID) u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Model EvoID temeljen je na načelima interdisciplinarnog pristupa ostvarenoga računalnom tehnologijom i tehnologijom oblikovanja nastave. Modelom su utvrđeni i testirani kriteriji i potkriteriji za oblikovanje i vrednovanje nastavnih sadržaja u spomenutim sustavima e-učenja za učenike osnovnog obrazovanja. Osim toga, u istraživanju se primijenio upitnik u funkciji vrednovanja oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja. Upitnikom su vanjski vrednovatelji, njih 41, vrednovali oblikovane nastave sadržaje u sustavima Moodle i xTex-Sys. Rezultati vrednovanja oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja ukazali su na postojanje „dobro“ oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys, a nakon revidiranja nastavnih sadržaja realizirana je implementacija istih. Faza implementacije nastavnih sadržaja realizirala se u eksperimentu s jednom skupinom u trajanju od četiri mjeseca s devedeset i tri učenika od prvog do četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. Rezultati cijelog istraživanja ukazali su na to da su predloženi kriteriji i potkriteriji za oblikovanje nastavnih sadržaja po modelu EvoID u sustavima e-učenja ovisni o okruženju diseminacije i o krajnjim korisnicima nastavnih sadržaja. S obzirom na implementaciju nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja, a primjenom modela EvoID rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da samo „dobri“ nastavni sadržaji mogu poboljšati proces učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika u sustavima e-učenja. Zaključujemo da model EvoID omogućava oblikovanje, diseminaciju, implementaciju i vrednovanje nastavnih sadržaja za odabrano područno znanje u ciljanim sustavima e-učenja.Background: This thesis puts an emphasis on some significant effects of information and communication technology on society, culture and education at all levels. Reality implies an ever-increasing need for the application of computers in education, i.e. in classes, teaching, and assessing students' knowledge. Consequently, the use of information and communication technology, along with the application of pedagogical principles, has enabled the development of an educational paradigm - e-learning. E-learning is implemented in e-learning systems. Well designed and reproduced instruction content provides not only online opportunities but also hybrid scenarios of learning, teaching and evaluating students' knowledge. The concept of extended pedagogy, launched by e-learning, transforms the role of the teacher, students, and parents. Educational technology is not just a technical product; however, it is also a tool in the hands of a "good" teacher in the process of learning, teaching and knowledge assessment. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of designed instructional activities for students from the first to the fourth grade of primary education. The existing methods for designing and evaluating educational activities in E-learning are included, and the original model called Evaluation Instructional Design (EvoID) has been proposed. Aim The aim of this research is both setting and prototype testing of Evaluation Instructional Design model (EvoID) in Moodle and xTEx-Sys e-learning systems. EvoID model is based on the principles of interdisciplinary approach with the application of computer technologies and instructional design. This model has identified and tested criteria and sub-criteria for designing and evaluating instructional designs in these e-learning systems for students in primary education. Methods In order to verify the model EvoID in e-learning systems, a pattern of criteria and sub-criteria has been established for the process of instruction designs in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems. In relation to the specific criteria and sub-criteria, 12 students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Department of Teacher Education, Module for Applying Information and Communications Technology in Learning and Teaching, created - in 2011 and 2012 - instructional design for Informatics in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems intended for students from first to fourth grade of primary education. External evaluators, 41 teachers, from the field of information and communication technologies from twelve counties of the Republic of Croatia, in the years 2012 and 2013, evaluated the instructional designs in Informatics by means of questionnaires. The questionnaires included criteria and sub-criteria for the process of evaluating the created educational contents in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems. Evaluated instructional activities in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems were implemented with students from the first to the fourth grade. In this respect, 93 students from four elementary schools in Split, during 2012/2013 school year, were participants in an experiment with a particular group. Results: The proposed criteria for the forming of instructional design by model EvoID in Moodle and xTEx-Sys systems depend on environment, delivery, end-users (students of different age) of teaching content. Measuring instruments for evaluating instructional design in the systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys satisfy and confirm metrical characteristics of the questionnaire: validity, reliability, objectivity, sensitivity and efficiency of the instruments. Teaching contents designed, implemented and evaluated using the model EvoID in the systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys improved the process of teaching and learning. The differences between final test and initial test of students in systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys were statistically significant in all grades, and the results of the questionnaire outlined positive opinions of students about learning using the systems Moodle and the xTEx-Sys. Conclusion: The results of the entire research pointed out that the proposed criteria and sub-criteria for the instructional design by model EvoID in the systems Moodle and xTEx Sys depend on delivery environment, the teaching content and end-users. Considering the implementation of teaching content in e-learning and by applying the model EvoID, the results suggest that only "good" educational content can improve the process of learning, teaching and testing the students' knowledge in e-learning systems. It is concluded that model EvoID allows design, delivery, implementation and evaluation of teaching content for the selected domain of knowledge in the targeted e-learning systems

    Higher Education Instructional Design on Social NetworKs

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    Društvene mreže predstavljaju izazov u nastavnom procesu visokoškolske nastave jer su bliske studentima i neizostavni su dio njihova slobodnog vremena. One mogu uvesti promjene u model nastavnog procesa, preobražavajući učenje u pametne čvorove unutar dinamične i međuovisne mreže učenja. U radu se bavimo oblikovanjem i vrednovanjem oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja na društvenim mrežama Edmodo i Facebook prema modelu ADDIE koji je prema svojim atributima generički i iteracijski proces unutar definiranih faza. Rezultati upitnika pokazali su visok stupanj slaganja s mogućnošću primjene društvenih mreža u obrazovne svrhe u visokoškolskom obrazovanju. Razlika između Edmoda i Facebooka zamjetna je u isporuci nastavnih sadržaja i u alatima za komunikaciju i suradnju. S tim u vezi, studenti su naveli da im je suradnja i komunikacija na društvenoj mreži Facebook dostupnija zbog programskog alata „chat“ i slanja privatnih poruka. Prednost u procesu učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja ima društvena mreža Edmodo zbog mogućnosti dijeljenja sadržaja (biblioteka), ispitivanja znanja pomoću kviza, formiranja grupa s kodovima te mogućnosti pristupa i sudjelovanja roditelja u nastavi.Social networks present a challenge in higher education teaching process as they are close to the students and make an unavoidable part of students’ free time. They can introduce changes in the model of teaching process, transforming teaching in smart nodes within a dynamic and interdependent learning network. In this paper we are concerned with instructional design and evaluation of instructional design on social networks Edmodo and Facebook based on ADDIE model, which, according to its features, is a generic iterative process within the defined phases. Results of the questionnaire showed high agreement with the possibility of the application of social networks for educational purposes in higher education. The difference between Edmodo and Facebook is noticeable in the delivery of instructional content and tools for communication and collaboration. With regard to this, the students stated that collaboration and communication on the Facebook social network is more accessible due to chat and private messaging software tools. The advantage of the process of learning, teaching and testing knowledge is in favor of the Edmodo social network because it provides shareable content (libraries), tests students’ knowledge using quizzes, forms coded groups and enables access and participation of parents during teaching


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    Technology has been imposed on today’s students since their birth, them being surrounded by computers, tablets and other tools of the digital age. Mathematics is a teaching subject which represents the gratest obstacle to students in their schooling and prejudice against it has existed since the very beginning of schooling. Information and communication technology can make its learning much easier, both to students and teachers. The aim of the paper was to determine if there was a difference in the achievement of the students taught by contemporary GeoGebra classes and traditional classes. By conducting the research and interpreting the results, the GeoGebra program was found to have a significant role in learning of new contents in mathematics, and students have shown progress by working in the contemporary mode of GeoGebra program. It can be said that this program is very convenient in learning maths, especially in geometry, and the students were satisfied with their work in the program, what is confirmed with the results of the survey questionnaires on satisfaction issue

    Application of Moodle and xTEx-Sys Systems in the Second Grade of Primary School

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    Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija (ICT, engl. Information and Communications Technology) ulazi u sve sfere ljudskog života pa tako i u odgojno-obrazovni proces. ICT predstavlja podršku učitelju u realizaciji nastave, a primjenom različitih uređaja temeljenih na elektronskoj tehnologiji u procesu učenja i poučavanja, dobivamo novu paradigmu učenja − e-učenje. E-učenje implementira se u sustavima e-učenja, a uz dobro oblikovan i isporučen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti i mrežnog i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika. U ovom radu bavili smo se istraživanjem o primjeni oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Uvažavajući teorijsku podlogu ove problematike, pristupili smo empirijskom istraživanju u kojem smo proveli eksperiment s jednom skupinom. Eksperiment je proveden s učenicima drugog razreda, a dobiveni su rezultati ukazali na pozitivan stav učenika prema učenju u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Osim toga, potvrdili smo da se ovim načinom poučavanja uloga učitelja ne umanjuje. Naprotiv. Učitelj postaje mentor i vodič cjelokupnog procesa, a učenik kao aktivan sudionik nastave odgovoran je za vlastito učenje.Information and communications technology (ICT) is implemented in almost all areas of life and the educational process is no exception. ICT serves as support to teachers in their instruction, and through the use of various systems based on electronic technology during learning and teaching we obtain a completely new learning paradigm – e-learning. E-learning is implemented in e-learning systems, and with well-formed and delivered educational materials it provides an opportunity for online and hybrid learning, teaching and testing of students\u27 knowledge. This research deals with instructional design in the e-learning systems and its application in xTEx-Sys and Moodle systems. Guided by the theoretical background of the subject, we have conducted empirical research and performed experiments with a group of pupils in the second grade of primary school. Results have shown that students have positive attitude toward systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys. This thesis confirms that the role of a teacher is not diminished by this mean of lecturing, instead it grows because a teacher becomes a mentor and a moderator of the whole process, and a student, as an active participant of the instruction, becomes responsible for her/his own learning process


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    Razvoj suvremenih tehnologija uz primjenu pedagogijskih načela omogućio je novu obrazovnu paradigmu e-učenja što predstavlja kvalitetnu podršku učiteljima u prijenosu znanja. U ovom radu prikazane su mogućnosti primjene sustava e-učenja u nastavi likovne kulture u poučavanju suvremene umjetnosti. Dobro oblikovan i primijenjeni nastavni sadržaj u sustavu e-učenja omogućava različite scenarije učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja suvremene umjetnosti. Suvremena umjetnost postaje komunikacija unutar koje promatrač postaje interpretator različitih razina značenja koje posjeduje umjetničko djelo. U istraživanju koje je predstavljalo obrazovni eksperiment sudjelovalo je 57 učenika iz dvije osnovne škole u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Utvrdili smo postojanje razlika u znanju i preferencijama učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole prema suvremenoj umjetnosti s obzirom na način podučavanja. Rezultati pokazuju da učeničke preferencije suvremene umjetnosti rastu u skupini koja je poučavana preko sustava Moodle i skupini učenika koja je stvarala na tragu suvremene umjetnosti. Učenici su iskazali zadovoljstvo učenjem suvremene umjetnosti na Moodle. Razlika rezultata početnog i završnog testiranja znanja pokazala je statističku značajnost u skupinama koje su se likovno educirale. Moodle pruža mogućnosti učenja različitog sadržaja, između ostalog i suvremene umjetnosti u osnovnoj školi.The development of modern technologies, applying pedagogical principles, has enabled a new educational paradigm of e-learning, which rep-resents quality support to teachers in the transfer of knowledge. This paper presents the possibilities of applying an e-learning system in teaching visual arts, precisely in teaching contemporary art. Well-designed and applied teaching content in an e-learning system enables various scenarios of learning, teaching, and testing the knowledge of contemporary art. Contemporary art thus becomes a communication within which the observer becomes an interpreter of the different levels of meaning of an artwork. This re-search, designed as an educational experiment, involved 57 students from two primary schools in Split-Dalmatia County. We found differences in the knowledge and preferences of fourth graders regarding contemporary art with respect to teaching methods. The results show increasing student preferences for contemporary art in a group using the Moodle system and in a group of students creating inspired by contemporary art-works. Students expressed satisfaction with learning about contemporary art using Moodle. The difference between the results of the initial and final testing of knowledge showed statistical significance in the groups that had art lessons. Moodle provides opportunities to learn a variety of content, including contemporary art in primary school

    The Application of Moodle in the Didactic of Teaching Art

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    U današnje vrijeme upotreba informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT, engl. Information and Communications Technology) zastupljena je u svim životnim područjima pa je iz tog razloga nezaobilazna i u nastavom procesu. Stoga je ICT i kvalitetna podrška nastavnicima u realizaciji nastavnog procesa, što predstavlja novu paradigmu stjecanja znanja studenata u 21. stoljeću. Razvoj ICT-a uz primjenu pedagogijskih načela omogućio je nastanak nove obrazovne paradigme − e-učenja. E-učenje implementira se u sustavima e-učenja, a uz dobro oblikovan i isporučen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti i mrežnog i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja studenata. U ovom radu prikazane su mogućnosti primjene sustava e-učenja u visokoškolskom obrazovanju. Na uzorku od 80 studentica 3., 4. i 5. godine Filozofskog fakulteta Učiteljskog studija u Splitu ispitivalo se mišljenje o kvaliteti oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja kolegija Metodika nastave likovne kulture na sustavu Moodle. Analizom dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su nastavni sadržaji oblikovani na kvalitetan, jednostavan i poučan način te da kao takvi uvelike pridonose procesu učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja studentica. Prema mišljenju studentica utvrđeno je da se nastavni sadržaji kolegija Metodika nastave likovne kulture mogu oblikovati, razvijati i implementirati u nastavni proces pomoću sustava Moodle.The use of Information and communication technology (ICT) is present in all areas of life and, for this reason, it is inevitable in teaching processes. ICT is also used for the quality support of teachers in the implementation of teaching processes as a new paradigm of student learning in the 21st century. The development of ICT, with the application of educational principles, has enabled the construction of a new educational paradigm − e-learning. E-learning is implemented in the e-learning system and, with a well designed and delivered course, provides opportunities for online and hybrid learning, teaching and testing students\u27 knowledge. In this thesis, different models of using ICT application in tertiary education are shown. On a sample of 80 female students (3rd, 4th and 5th year of studies at the University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Primary Education), their opinion concerning the quality of the educational activities in the course Didactic of Teaching Art was examined using the Moodle system. The analysis of the given results has shown that the educational activities are done in a quality, simple and instructive way and, as such, contribute to the process of learning, teaching and testing students\u27 knowledge. In students\u27 opinion the educational activities in the course Didactic of Teaching Art can be shaped, developed and implemented in the teaching process using the Moodle system

    Higher Education Instructional Design on Social NetworKs

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    Društvene mreže predstavljaju izazov u nastavnom procesu visokoškolske nastave jer su bliske studentima i neizostavni su dio njihova slobodnog vremena. One mogu uvesti promjene u model nastavnog procesa, preobražavajući učenje u pametne čvorove unutar dinamične i međuovisne mreže učenja. U radu se bavimo oblikovanjem i vrednovanjem oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja na društvenim mrežama Edmodo i Facebook prema modelu ADDIE koji je prema svojim atributima generički i iteracijski proces unutar definiranih faza. Rezultati upitnika pokazali su visok stupanj slaganja s mogućnošću primjene društvenih mreža u obrazovne svrhe u visokoškolskom obrazovanju. Razlika između Edmoda i Facebooka zamjetna je u isporuci nastavnih sadržaja i u alatima za komunikaciju i suradnju. S tim u vezi, studenti su naveli da im je suradnja i komunikacija na društvenoj mreži Facebook dostupnija zbog programskog alata „chat“ i slanja privatnih poruka. Prednost u procesu učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja ima društvena mreža Edmodo zbog mogućnosti dijeljenja sadržaja (biblioteka), ispitivanja znanja pomoću kviza, formiranja grupa s kodovima te mogućnosti pristupa i sudjelovanja roditelja u nastavi.Social networks present a challenge in higher education teaching process as they are close to the students and make an unavoidable part of students’ free time. They can introduce changes in the model of teaching process, transforming teaching in smart nodes within a dynamic and interdependent learning network. In this paper we are concerned with instructional design and evaluation of instructional design on social networks Edmodo and Facebook based on ADDIE model, which, according to its features, is a generic iterative process within the defined phases. Results of the questionnaire showed high agreement with the possibility of the application of social networks for educational purposes in higher education. The difference between Edmodo and Facebook is noticeable in the delivery of instructional content and tools for communication and collaboration. With regard to this, the students stated that collaboration and communication on the Facebook social network is more accessible due to chat and private messaging software tools. The advantage of the process of learning, teaching and testing knowledge is in favor of the Edmodo social network because it provides shareable content (libraries), tests students’ knowledge using quizzes, forms coded groups and enables access and participation of parents during teaching

    Online safety awareness of elementary school students from Croatian rural and urban areas

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    Objective: To examine the factors related to the use of internet and the awareness of online safety among students from one elementary school in a village and one in a city. Participants and methods: Participants in the research (n=119) were first to fourth graders attending “Braća Ribar” Elementary School in the village of Posedarje (n=53), and “Šimun Kožičić Benja” Elementary School in the city of Zadar (n=66). An 18-item questionnaire in Croatian was created and distributed among participants. Results: Six (11.3%) students attending school in the village and 16 (24.2%) students attending school in the city were not sufficiently informed about what the Internet is and what purposes it serves. Students from urban area were better informed about the concept of personal data compared with students from rural area (71,2% vs. 47.2%, P=0.038). There was no statistically significant difference with regard to other aspects of online safety. Conclusion: Elementary school students from rural and urban areas know what the Internet is and frequently use different Internet applications. However, they still lack awareness and proper understanding of online safety. Results from this study highlight the need for an appropriate educational intervention

    Application of Moodle and xTEx-Sys Systems in the Second Grade of Primary School

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    Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija (ICT, engl. Information and Communications Technology) ulazi u sve sfere ljudskog života pa tako i u odgojno-obrazovni proces. ICT predstavlja podršku učitelju u realizaciji nastave, a primjenom različitih uređaja temeljenih na elektronskoj tehnologiji u procesu učenja i poučavanja, dobivamo novu paradigmu učenja − e-učenje. E-učenje implementira se u sustavima e-učenja, a uz dobro oblikovan i isporučen nastavni sadržaj pruža mogućnosti i mrežnog i hibridnog scenarija učenja, poučavanja i testiranja znanja učenika. U ovom radu bavili smo se istraživanjem o primjeni oblikovanih nastavnih sadržaja u sustavima e-učenja Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Uvažavajući teorijsku podlogu ove problematike, pristupili smo empirijskom istraživanju u kojem smo proveli eksperiment s jednom skupinom. Eksperiment je proveden s učenicima drugog razreda, a dobiveni su rezultati ukazali na pozitivan stav učenika prema učenju u sustavima Moodle i xTEx-Sys. Osim toga, potvrdili smo da se ovim načinom poučavanja uloga učitelja ne umanjuje. Naprotiv. Učitelj postaje mentor i vodič cjelokupnog procesa, a učenik kao aktivan sudionik nastave odgovoran je za vlastito učenje.Information and communications technology (ICT) is implemented in almost all areas of life and the educational process is no exception. ICT serves as support to teachers in their instruction, and through the use of various systems based on electronic technology during learning and teaching we obtain a completely new learning paradigm – e-learning. E-learning is implemented in e-learning systems, and with well-formed and delivered educational materials it provides an opportunity for online and hybrid learning, teaching and testing of students\u27 knowledge. This research deals with instructional design in the e-learning systems and its application in xTEx-Sys and Moodle systems. Guided by the theoretical background of the subject, we have conducted empirical research and performed experiments with a group of pupils in the second grade of primary school. Results have shown that students have positive attitude toward systems Moodle and xTEx-Sys. This thesis confirms that the role of a teacher is not diminished by this mean of lecturing, instead it grows because a teacher becomes a mentor and a moderator of the whole process, and a student, as an active participant of the instruction, becomes responsible for her/his own learning process


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    Već od najranije dobi današnja djeca su pod utjecajem različitih proizvoda informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije. Jedan od tih proizvoda su i sustavi e-učenja s kojima dijete provodi određeno vrijeme igrajući igre, pretražujući internet stranice ili, pak, učeći pomoću obrazovnih programa. U ovome je radu pažnja usmjerena prema računalnim igrama. Detaljno je prikazan sadržaj glazbene igre Orašar. Riječ je vrijednoj glazbenoj igri koja ima veliki potencijal za razvoj glazbenih sposobnosti djece, a posebno nekih njezinih dijelova, poput glazbenog pamćenja te osjetljivosti za boju i visinu tona. U sljedećim istraživanjima bilo bi zanimljivo istražiti i izmjeriti efekte kontinuirane i metodički osmišljene primjene Orašara u predškolskim ustanovama i školi.From the earliest age modern children are under the influence of different products of information and communication technology. Among these products there are systems of e-learning, with which child spend some time playing the games, searching the Internet pages, or learning with educational programms. In this article the attention is focused toward computer games. The content of music game The Nutcracker is represented in detail. It is very valuable game, with huge potential for development of children’s music abilities, particularly some segments, like music memory and sensibility for timbre and height of the tone. In the further research it would be interesting to research and measure the effects of continuous and methodically organized application of The Nutcracker in the kindergarten and primary school